Metabolic syndrome or Insulin resistance is a group of characteristics to include:
- obesity: waist size > 38-41 inches in men & > 32 inches in women
- high blood pressure: BP reading of 130/85 or higher
- high blood sugar: HbA1c of 5.7-6.4 or fasting blood glucose level of 100-125 mg/dL
- triglyceride levels: fasting triglyceride level of 150-180 or HDL cholesterol <40 for men and <50 for women
The presence of three or more of the aforementioned criteria defines metabolic syndrome. About 1 in 3 adults in the US have metabolic syndrome placing them at higher risk of diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Risk factors for metabolic syndrome include:
- BMI >25
- increasing age
- menopause
- smoking
- high carbohydrate diet
- lack of physical activity
- family history of metabolic syndrome or diabetes
Metabolic syndrome is diagnosed via a physical exam and lab work which includes HbA1c, cholesterol, and lipid profile. These tests can be ordered by your PCP.
Metabolic syndrome is largely preventable. Being aware of your risk factors and incorporating appropriate lifestyle changes as well as medications if needed can help lower your risk of developing metabolic syndrome or the health problems such as diabetes and heart disease that it may cause.

Diet and lifestyle modifications leading to weight loss which include low fat/low carb intake and increased activity are the mainstay of treatment and prevention of this condition.
Your primary care physician is the best source of further information and can assist in mitigating your risk factors.
Call 346-500-5342 today or visit to schedule an appointment for a consultation with Dr. Makkani regarding metabolic syndrome and to identify and treat your risk factors for developing metabolic syndrome.